Alex Peak
Campus Organisations
I was a member of a number of student organisations at Towson University.
First of all, I am a former President (2004–2006), Membership Chair (2006–2007), and Vice President (2007) of the College Libertarians of Towson. This amazing and joyous organisation supports smaller government, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. To learn more about the College Libertarians of Towson, click here. (Do it!)
Pour voir cette page en français, cliquez ici.
(I was also kind’a, sort’a, maybe a member of the Towson Campus Greens, Towson University College Republicans, and Towson University College Democrats. At least, I’d been known to attend the meetings of each organisation
I also served as President of Towson Students for Ron Paul, a group I founded in 2007.
In 2007, I also helped to form Towson Students for Sensible Drug Policy, of which I served as Vice President (2007–2008). That same year I was also helping to form a firearm rights group called Gun Rights Advocates of Towson, of which I was to serve as Vice President. This group, however, never got off the ground, mostly due to bureaucratic reasons.
I had some limited involvement in a number of other groups, as well. For example, the Towson University Philosophy Forum is another organisation of which I was a member. Likewise, although I’d not actually attended a single meeting of this group, I was also a member of the Queer Student Union. (I was what was called an ally.) I had further joined the Students for Environmental Awareness, the Towson Energy Activists, the Towson University Economics Society, and the Maryland Student Legislature (MSL). Of course, I never held any executive position in any of these groups. I did, however, serve as the Whip of the Whig Caucus (MSL’s independent/libertarian party; 2007–2009). Finally, I regularly attended Prof. Howard Baetjer’s Political Economy Project.
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