
“Census data has been used to locate men who had not registered for the draft.  Census data also was used to find Japanese-Americans for internment camps during World War II.  Furthermore, the IRS has applied census information to detect alleged tax evaders.  Some local governments even have used census data to check for compliance with zoning regulations.”

— Ron Paul

Constitution of the United States

17 September 1787 — While the gang calling itself “the United States of America” is not the only criminal gang on this planet that takes a regular census of its subjects, it is certainly one of them.  It says that it derives its authority from this document, the U. S. Constitution.  However, even if the U. S. Constitution is a valid legal document, it only grants to this gang the authority to count the number of people living under its rule.  The gang receives no authority from this document to do anything more than count, and thus, it has no authority to even acquire the names of the people it is counting.

Locating the Victims in Nazi Germany by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

1997? — “The information from the 1939 census helped Nazi official Adolf Eichmann to create the Jewish Registry, containing detailed information on all Jews living in Germany.  The Registry also recorded the names of Jews in Austria and the Sudetenland of western Czechoslovakia, which were occupied by German troops in 1938 and 1939 and made part of the Reich (German empire).”

Weathering the Census by Christopher Westley

20 March 2000 — “The…government needs this data for the same purpose that Proctor & Gamble needs market research, the difference being that P&G will use it to try to meet consumer demands through voluntary exchange, whereas the state will use it force involuntary exchange—to identify municipalities that should be placed on the dole, and those that should fund them.”

The Census and Despotism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

27 March 2000 — Rockwell illustrates, using historical analysis from the past two thousand years, the dangers in giving a large amount of information about a given set of people to any institution that institutionalises aggression in order to achieve its goals.  Writes Rockwell, “Any power ceded to a government will be abused, given time.  …  Just as the Zealots of the first century knew, when a government seeks information on people, it is up to no good.”

Civics Lessons in the Census by Edward L. Hudgins

28 March 2000 — The Cato Institute Director of Regulatory Studies Edward L. Hudgins argues that a good “sign of civic health might be the sound of millions of Americans ripping up” their census forms.  He correctly points out that the state wishes to know so much about us because it aids them in their goal of regulating us.

The Census and Privacy by the Electronic Privacy Information Center

2003 — The Electronic Privacy Information Center provides detailed information on how and why census data collection is a threat to one’s right to privacy.

None of Your Business! by Ron Paul

13 July 2004 — Paul discusses the unconstitutional, racist, right-wing “American Community Survey.”  This costly “survey” is taken not once every ten years, but on a continual basis.

Department of Homeland Security Obtained Data on Arab Americans From Census Bureau

23 July 2004 — The Electronic Privacy Information Center reveales that the Census Bureau provided the Department of Homeland Security statistical data on people who identified themselves on the 2000 census as being of Arab ancestry.

What kind of government harasses an 86-year-old woman? by Craig J. Cantoni

3 June 2007 — “It doesn’t matter to government agents that the law in question is unconstitutional and is the grand finale of a series of unconstitutional laws.  Nor does it matter to them that my mother has dementia and is unable to comply with their request.  Hey, they’re only following orders.”  Cantoni demonstrates how apathetic the state is regarding its subjects.

Census Worker Asks Inappropriate Questions: Overland Park Woman Shocked By Census Worker’s Questions

1 May 2009 — Are you wearing pink undies?  U.S. Census Bureau employee asked a woman a series of sexual questions while touching himself.  At first she thought he was just some guy posing as a government employee, but after she called the police, she found out the man really was a representative of the U.S. Census Bureau.

Preparing for the census by Kent McManigal

30 January 2010 — “[W]e are a family of 17 Antarctican immigrants who belong to the Jedi Order, and live with our pets whom we have married in three-and-a-half-way marriages.  We have no clue whose children these are living among us.  We have 3 bathrooms, but no indoor plumbing.  Our electricity is provided by our tank of electric eels.  Our house has 197 3/4 rooms if you count the 8 other spatial dimensions which are wrapped around us.”

The Census Is Getting Personal by Jerry Day

11 February 2010 — Jerry Day explains that the activities of the U. S. Census Bureau are unconstitutional.  He asked the Census Bureau to engage in a phone-based interview with him, and at first it agreed.  But, when they saw the simple questions he wanted to ask, it reneged on its agreement to answer questions.

The Census: Vehicle for Social Engineering by Wendy McElroy

23 February 2010 — McElroy analyses the “mission drift” of the U. S. census to its current function as a vehicle for conformity and social engineering.  “When Union General William Tecumseh Sherman made his notorious ‘scorched earth’ march through Georgia, he used census data to locate the farms he looted for provisions.  During World War I the Justice Department used census data to locate males within a certain age-range who had not registered for the draft; during World War II the data were used to locate Japanese-Americans and target them for internment.  More recently, the IRS has compared census data to privately purchased lists to detect tax evaders.”  Census bureaus use promised entitlements and peer pressure on potential noncomplier to convert compliance into a “civic duty,” and they turn otherwise-good neighbours into intrusive busybodies.

Census: A Little Too Personal by Ron Paul

8 March 2010 — Paul points out that the census encourages people to think of themselves as members of artificial, socially-constructed groupings rather than as sovereign individuals.  The rest of the article appears to be a reiteration of McElroy’s above.

Census Data Not So Confidential After All by Mary L. G. Theroux

8 March 2010 — Mary L. G. Theroux, Senior Vice President at the Independent Institute, details examples of census data being used against innocent people, most recently “in 2002 and 2003, when the Census Bureau turned over information it had collected about Arab-Americans to Homeland Security.”  Data from the 1940 census was also “used to intern Japanese, Italian, and German Americans following the U.S.’s entry into the war, and to monitor and persecute others who escaped internment.”  Theroux concludes that the right to privacy must be respected.

The Census and the Welfare State by Jacob G. Hornberger

11 March 2010 — Jacob Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses the problem with the U. S. Census Bureau’s whole “fair share” rhetoric.  He says that libertarians “object to the process because it is immoral, crooked, corrupt, fraudulent, and destructive to the core.”

Libertarians oppose census questions

16 March 2010 — This Libertarian Party press release points out that most of the U. S. Census questions are unconstitutional, that the budget for the 2010 census is bloated, and that the U. S. federal government has a history of using census data to infringe upon the rights of its subjects.  See also some news coverage of the LP position.

Census resisters cite distrust of government by Kristen Mack

17 March 2010 — The Chicago Tribune reports that many libertarians, undocumented immigrants, and Muslims are among those wary of government intrusion, and are declining to participate in the census process, despite the potential fines associated nonparticipation.  “The resistance is not new.  In 2000, only 67 percent of households responded to the census.”

Most expensive census in history by William F. Shughart II

17 March 2010 — “How much will it cost to count noses this year?  No one really knows.  The Census Bureau began planning for 2010 immediately after 2000.  It is not yet fully ready.  Preparations for 2010 have been plagued by fraud, cost-overruns and failures of computer hardware and software.  …  Even then, the 2010 census promised to be the most expensive in history, estimated to cost $11.3 billion, after adjusting for inflation.  …  Meanwhile, estimated costs have skyrocketed to $14.7 billion.  …  And the main show is still to come.”

The Race Question on the 2010 Census Raises Serious Questions by John W. Whitehead

17 March 2010 — Whitehead points out that the census promotes racism and goes against that for which Martin Luther King fought.  Worse, race-based data collection could be used for purposes of racial profiling.  “For a nation trying to step away from any lasting remnants of racism, asking people to classify themselves in terms of race and then using those answers to define boundaries for representation is a very strange way to go about reaching that goal.  …  As Martin Luther King Jr. urged more than 40 years ago, isn’t it time to stop judging us by the color of our skin?”

Boycott the Census by Alexander S. Peak

18 March 2010 — “Well, the 2010 census has arrived!  And, boy, am I excited!  Why?  Because this is the first of many census questionnaire that I shall be boycotting.”  I encourage others to also engage in this sort of civil disobedience.  Click here to see how I filled out my census.

My census form by Brian Irving

18 March 2010 — Irving sent this letter to the U. S. Census Bureau informing them that the U. S. Constitution does not require him to present any information beyond the number of people living in his household.  He also informs them that they have no authority under the Constitution to fine him for choosing not to answer the other nine questions.

Census time heightens privacy concerns by by Declan McCullagh

22 March 2010 — McCullagh discusses the reasons why so many people are concerned about the collection of census data and why many are choosing to withhold their information from the state.  He points out that, unfortunately, courts in these United States are not very prone to defending people’s liberties or right to privacy.

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These innocent humans were forced into Internment Camps during the second world
war by the evil Franklin D. Roosevelt and his henchmen using information collected by the U.S. Census

Although slaves under the United States of America were given no vote, they were nevertheless counted by the census as 35 of
a person each, thereby inflating the power
of their masters within the Congress.

German women at work in the offices of the German Census Bureau.  The board gives directions for tabulation: the centre column instructs that number 3 is the indicator to be used for Jews.  Germany, 1933.

This was a political cartoon satirising the census in Great Britain

My 2010 census

A U.S. Census Bureau employee asked a woman a variety of sexual questions, questions she considered inappropriate—she thought he was someone pretending to be a census worker, and was surprised to learn he
actually was a census worker
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