Gold, Peace, and Prosperity

The Birth of a New Currency

Ron Paul

Ron PaulThis monograph is a must read for anyone interested in the history of money.

All page numbers refer to Congressman Ron Paul, Gold, Peace, and Prosperity: The Birth of a New Currency (Lake Jackson, TX: Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc., 1981).

The audio was recorded 24 December 2007 by Dr. Floy Lilly.

Buy the Monograph Here (softcover)




Dedication (p. 5)



Contents (p. 7)



Foreword by Henry Hazlitt (pp. 9–10)



Preface by Murray Rothbard (pp. 11–13)



Acknowledgements (p. 14)




Whole Text





Impending Social Strife? (pp. 15–16)



The People Are Demanding an End to Inflation (pp. 16–17)



Depreciation Is Nothing New (pp. 17–18)



“Not Worth a Continental” (pp. 18–19)



The Best Medium of Exchange (pp. 20–21)



Cross of Paper (pp. 21–22)



How Our Money Was Ruined (pp. 21–32)



1. The Gold Coin Standard (pp. 23–24)


2. The Gold Bullion Standard (pp. 24–27)


3. The Gold Exchange Standard (pp. 27–31)


4. The Managed Fiat Currency Standard (pp. 31–32)


The Stage Is Set (p. 32)



Motives of the Inflationists (pp. 33–34)



Is Business To Blame? (p. 34)



Are Banks To Blame? (p. 35)



Are Unions To Blame? (p. 35)



Inflation and the Business Cycle (pp. 36–37)



The Guilt of the Economists (pp. 37–39)



The Alternative to Inflation (p. 39)



Money and the Constitution (pp. 40–41)



Morality and Transfer Payments (pp. 41–42)



Citizen Control of Money (p. 42)



Day of Reckoning (pp. 43–44)



Free Market Money? (pp. 44–45)



Legal Tender Laws (pp. 45–46)



An Historical Precedent (pp. 46–48)



The End—or the Beginning (pp. 48–52)



About the Author (pp. 53–54)



About the Foundation (p. 55)

