1852 Platform of the Liberty Party
Adopted in Convention, 30 September 1852, Syracuse, N. Y.
- RESOLVED, that the Liberty Party cannot consent to fall below, nor, in any degree, to qualify, its great central principle, that all persons—black and white, male and female—have equal political rights, and are equally entitled to the protection and advantages of Civil Government.
- RESOLVED, that, inasmuch as murder is an element in the infernal compound of slavery, there can no more be a law for slavery than for murder.
- RESOLVED, that passing events, instead of shaking, do but confirm, our conviction, that no political party can bless the world, or be blest of God, which does not follow the example of the Liberty Party, and take for its basis impartial and universal political righteousness: and which does not follow the example of the Liberty Party, and rely less upon its numbers than upon the truthfulness and value of its doctrines.
- RESOLVED, that the Free Democracy will fail, as did the Free Soil Party, unless it shall openly and fearlessly aim to identify itself with every political truth;—as well with the political truth, that Government is bound to suppress the traffic in intoxicating drinks, and to put an end to laud-monopoly, as with the political truth, that Government is bound to enact no law, and obey no law, and know no law for slavery, or any other piracy.