New Libertarian Manifesto
Samuel Edward Konkin III
This is Konkin’s agorist manifesto.
gorism is perhaps best defined as the ideology that holds that the marketplace is the best, most practical, and only ethical means by which to bring about social or political change. It is, therefore, a revolutionary form of libertarianism, whose goal is not merely the diminution of the state, but its abolition. The method of agorist revolution is radical in the sense that it aims to fight the system from without, rather than employing the liberal means of fighting or merely reforming the system from within. Agorism tends thus to eschew any association with institutions or organisations that, like the Libertarian Party, aim to employ the aforementioned liberal means; in the view of agorists, this approach is either impractical or even unethical.
“New Libertarianism,” always found capitalised, is the term Konkin uses to describe his own particular agorist take. In a manner of speaking, “New Libertarianism” is the strategy of promoting agorism through the organisation of entrepreneurs for Liberty.
All page numbers refer to New Libertarian Manifesto 4th ed. (Huntington Beach, CA: KoPubCo, 2006).
Dedication (p. 5)
Table of Contents (p. 7)
Preface to the First Edition (p. 11)
Preface to the Second Edition (pp. 12–13)
Preface to the Fourth Edition (pp. 13–14)
I. Statism: Our Condition (pp. 15–22)
II. Agorism: Our Goal (pp. 23–36)
III. Counter-Economics: Our Means (pp. 37–53)
IV. Revolution: Our Strategy (pp. 54–67)
V. Action! Our Tactics (pp. 68–73)
Title page (p. 75)
Introduction by Samuel Edward Konkin III, Continental Strategist—NLA (pp. 76–78)
Konkin on Libertarian Strategy by Murray N. Rothbard, Ph.D. (pp. 79–96)
Reply to Rothbard by Samuel Edward Konkin III (pp. 97–114)
Return to Babylon by Robert LeFevre (pp. 115–128)
Reply to LeFevre by Samuel Edward Konkin III (pp. 129–138)
The New Altruism: A Critique of New Libertarian Manifesto by Edwin S. “Filthy Pierre” Strauss (pp. 139–143)
Reply to Filthy Pierre by Samuel Edward Konkin III (pp. 144–146)
Also See