On Poetry Alexander S. Peak Purpose is Subjective. And Thus, so is the purpose of Poetry. The purpose of any Given thing Is determined by the Owner of said Given thing. This Purpose can be redefined by the Owner thereof at any Time the owner so chooses, or by The next owner upon Transfer. A table, Thus, may be “for glasses” or “for asses,” As the phrase goes, Depending solely upon the Intention of the Owner of said Table. Poetry is Interesting. It can have Multiple subjective purposes Concurrently. This is because Poetry cannot be truly owned like a Given thing. One cannot “own” what Enters another person’s head, as there is no Way to retrieve it without violating the natural Rights of said Other person. The Subjective purpose of the Poetry can Thus be defined invariably by its Creator or its Beholder. There are various Purposes that a poem’s Creator may subjectively define for his or her Creation. A poem may be written to Entertain a child, perhaps a Child who fancies the visual concept of a Cow jumping over the Moon. A poem may be written purely for the Purpose of sounding æsthetically pleasing to the Ears of its listeners, while Having no meaning otherwise. Poems May even be authored to elicit a certain Emotional response, or to Explore and attempt to encapsulate an Emotion. But can a poem be written to Inform? Indeed, it can, as the Purpose of poetry is so intrinsically Subjective. A poem may even be written to Sound like Prose. The possibilities are quite literally Endless, given the Subjective nature of Poetry. Nevertheless, a poem’s Creator cannot force his or her Subjective determination of his or her Creation’s purpose onto its Beholders—even if he or she Wishes to! Once again, this is because Poetry’s purpose is inherently Subjective. Thus, whereas a poem’s Creator may have intended his or her Poetry to Merely sound æsthetically pleasing to the Ears of the listener, while Having no meaning otherwise, the poems May nevertheless elicit a certain Emotional response in the Beholder. Authored 2008 by Alexander S. Peak