Alex Peak
Goth Test
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My Answers
1: Black bed-sheets?
Yes2: ...Satin?
No3: Do you buy your cloves by the carton?
No4: Does an eyeliner pencil last you longer than a week?
(Since I’ve never used one)5: Have you ever been late with rent because you had to get those killer boots, vinyl, latex, or leather clothing?
No6: Ever date a DJ, singer or band member?
Yes7: Are you married to one?
No8: Ever have to explain your dog-collar to you mom?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe
(Not applicable.)9: If you are a boy, have you ever worn a dress?
If you're a girl, do you find boys in dresses sexy?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe
(Not to my knowledge.)10: Did you get picked on when you were a kid?
Yes11: Do you go to Ren-Fests in costume?
No12: Do you own a set of custom made fangs?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe
(I had fangs I bought in a Halloween store, but I don’t know if they constitute custom-made.)13: Did you make them yourself?
No14: Have you seen The Crow more than 5 times?
No15: Do think Peter Murphy is too skinny?
No16: Have you changed your name to something more Goth?
No17: your parents still call you by your real name?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe18: Is your bedroom painted black or some other 'dark' color?
(Gray.)19: Have you filled up more than two books/notebooks/sketch-pads with your poetry and/or art?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe
(I’ve got poetry and such on scraps of paper which can be found all over the place.)20: Ever date someone of the same sex?
No21: ...does it matter?
No22: Have you ever dyed your hair more than three times in one month?
No23: Did you cry when you heard Rozz Williams died?
No24: Own a corset or a cod-piece?
No25: ...both?
No26: Have you ever made a fan-site for your favorite goth band?
No27: Do you even know who Sam Rosenthal is?
No28: Ever paint your finger nails black with a blackmagic marker and not even realize you were doing it?
No29: Do you know why people think you're a freak?
Yes30: Is it because they are stupid and weak sheep falling into the cold jaws of society?
YesMy Results
Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my heart I know I am evil, but not on the company's time. I do need to eat.