Alex Peak
Grunge Test
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My Answers
1: Did you brush your hair today?
No2: Have you washed your hair in the past week?
No3: Have you ever worn more than one flannel at a time?
Yes4: If a Buddhist says "nirvana" do you think of Kurt Cobain?
Yes5: Do you tend to sleep on the floor at friends of friend's houses because you just "don't really feel like going anywhere"?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe6: Grunge died with Kurt, right?
No7: Quick, smell yourself. Do you offend?
Yes8: Do you believe that Fred Durst is probably the antichrist?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe9: Do you tend to talk like you're just coming off a high, even though its just how you talk, no really, man... huh?
No10: Do you know who Mudhoney is?
Yes11: Have you washed your jeans within the last week?
No12: Do you play guitar?
Yes13: Is it a Jagstang?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe14: Have you ever spent more than 7 hours in one day stoned in bed watching cartoons and eating cold french fries?
No15: Are you stoned right now?
No16: Do your socks match?
Yes17: Are you wearing socks?
Yes18: Do you own a pair of black high top Converse shoes?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe
(They're low-tops.)19: Did you score a 50% or higher on the Raver test?
No20: Have you gotten fired from your job a for being unkept and sleeping at work?
No21: Been to Seattle?
No22: Do you have between 3-7 stains on the shirt you are wearing now?
No23: Are you frustrated because people never understand your "real" message?
Yes24: Is your room clean?
No25: Do you care?
No26: Do you collect random pets and let them live in a bathtub in your living room?
No27: Do you believe Courtney Love killed Kurt?
No28: Quick, can you name 4 sub-pop bands (former sub-pop bands count)
Yes29: Are thrift stores your best friend?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe30: Are you sick of people reminding you its not 1992?
I Don't Know or N/A or MaybeMy Results
I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.