Alex Peak
Ska Test
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My Answers
1: Do you skank?
No2: Do you care that weed is illegal?
(It shouldn't be)3: Do you own at least 3 things with that black-and-white checker pattern?
No4: Are you wearing/carrying at least one right now?
No5: Are bands that dress up, just dumb?
No6: Do you own a pair of glasses with yellow lenses and black rims?
No7: Are you / were you in the school band?
No8: *shudder* Marching band?
No9: Did you play a horn?
No10: Were the 80's lame or what?
No11: Do you own a pair of red shoes?
No12: Is "hep" a word?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe13: Do you annoy people by using it way too fucking much?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe14: Did ska come from reggae?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe
(It's got roots in both reggae and punk.)15: Late '50s or early '60s -style haircut?
No16: Is it cool as hell?
I Don't Know or N/A or Maybe17: Did you listen to the Bosstones before 1994?
No18: Do you know at least 2 ska bands personally?
No19: Do punks or metalheads sometimes kick your ass, and you don't know why?
No20: Does three musicians make a complete band?
Yes21: Would you date someone of another race?
Yes22: You own at least 3 PEZ dispensers?
No23: Does the phrase two-tone mean anything to you?
Yes24: Can you complete the phrase "___________ to you, Rudy"?
No25: You're on a "Street Team?"
No26: Are you happy the "Swing" fad faded away in like a month?
No27: Have you lived in Orange County or San Diego?
No28: Have you been made fun of about your taste in music?
Yes29: Do you know what band "Ska Sucks" is by?
No30: Pick it up?
NoMy Results
I am not ska. I am not even close... I don't even know what skanking is? I may need guidance, get offline and see if I can go find myself a show, or a CD, or something.