Alex Peak

OkCupid! Politics Test

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My Answers

1. The government should subsidize struggling museums, theaters, and artists.
Strongly Disagree

2. I am troubled by the eroding distinction between entertainment and marketing.
Strongly Disagree

3. Protesters cause more good than harm.
Strongly Disagree

4. A person cannot be truly spiritual without regularly attending church or temple.
Strongly Disagree

5. Something like the theory of Natural Selection explains why some people are homeless.

(In some cases.)

6. If countries like France are unwilling to cooperate with our military plans, we should treat them as enemies.
Strongly Disagree

7. I feel guilty when I shop at a large national chain.
Strongly Disagree

8. Social justice should be the foundation of any economic system.
Strongly Agree

(The non-aggression axiom all-the-way!)

9. People shouldn't be allowed to have children they can't provide for.
Strongly Disagree

10. I would defend my property with lethal force.

(It depends upon the property in question, and its value.  My body, which I own, I deem far more valuable than a candy bar.)

11. The world would be better if there were no huge corporations, just small businesses.
Strongly Disagree

12. Professional athletes are paid too much money.
Strongly Disagree

13. Tradition is a reliable guide in deciding what's right.
Strongly Disagree

14. When I'm talking to someone and I find out they've served in a war, I respect them more.

15. If I'm dating someone I like to know where they are and what they're up to at all times.

16. It bugs me when somebody names their child something like 'Sunshine' or 'Charm'.
Strongly Disagree

17. Only literate people should be allowed to vote.
Strongly Disagree

18. People raising children have a responsibility to live up to society's standards.
Strongly Disagree

19. The separation of church and state has demoralized our society.
Strongly Disagree

20. The 'Word of God' exists only as human beings interpret it.

(Actually, it depends upon how you look at it.  When I believed in God, I didn’t believe that everything in the Bible was necessarily something with which God would agree.)

21. Blind patriotism is a very bad thing.
Strongly Agree

(There’s no such thing as blind Patriotism, though.  True Patriots are willing to question their nation and its intents, for they realize this is the only way to improve its condition.  Nationalists, on the other hand, have a blind adoration for their Nation, and are thus not true Patriots.)

22. We need stronger laws protecting the environment.

(I answered yes because I believe natural law dictates that one must not pollute the property of another, not because I believe government is an effective tool in protecting the environment.  Quite the contrary, I believe government and its “laws” are a great detriment to the environment.  The proper application of natural law would, thus, be a “stronger law protecting the environment” than is statutory law.)

23. I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to prevent crime.
Strongly Disagree

24. It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match.
Strongly Agree

25. Since parents can't be trusted to monitor what their children watch, TV content needs to be more regulated.
Strongly Disagree

26. If a company invents a pill that cures cancer, they should be allowed to charge whatever they want for it.
Strongly Agree

(But let it be noted that I also think that competing companies should be able to charge whatever they want for the cures they invent, too; and if company X charges $100 per pill while company Y only charges $5 per bottle, free-market capitalism will make company X either lower its price or lose business.)

27. The fact that many people starve to death is unfortunate but unavoidable.

(The “unfortunate” made me want to say “strongly agree,” but the “unavoidable” part made me disagree.  I’m optimistic.)

28. It bothers me that many American companies have moved jobs overseas.

(Bothers?  Yeah, it bothers me to some degree, but not because it is a bad thing for companies to move jobs overseas, nor because it “needs to be prevented.”  Rather, it bothers me because this is indicative of a greater problem, for example, too much government regulation which drives businesses away, or decreased confidence in the dollar which is constantly losing value due to the government’s inflationary practices.)

29. It's wrong when environmental regulation puts people out of work, like when limits on logging make it harder for loggers to log logs.

(Although, it is not wrong when the regulation prevents the destruction of someone else’s property.  For example, if X owns a field of trees, X should be free to cut as many of them as X likes.  But if Y owns the field of trees, then Y has the right to regulate how many, if any, of Y’s trees X may cut.  If this regulation “puts people out of work,” then so be it.)

30. Most people are too stupid to know what's best for them.
Strongly Disagree

31. A person has the right to claim the Holocaust never happened, if that's what he believes.
Strongly Agree

(And I have the right to laugh at the morons that claim that the Holocaust never happened.)

32. Books with potentially deadly knowledge (like instructions for making awesome bombs) should be regulated.
Strongly Disagree

33. Being poor and black is an advantage in getting into college.

(We should have a colour-blind society.)

34. Eventually, a computer will write the best novel ever written.

(“Best” is subjective.)

35. I should be able to sell my vote for cash if I feel like it.
Strongly Disagree

(Absolutely not.  Political elections are a function of the state.  Now, the anarchist would argue that elections should not even take place, as they are methods by which one or more are selected to rule over persons who have not (A) consented to being ruled over, and (B) consented to being ruled by those selected by the majority.  If this analysis is correct, then what we ought to do is decrease the number of  votes of each person to zero, rather than increase them.  Granted, such a policy would only be just if we were to simultaneously eliminate coercive leadership.  However, as long as the state remains intact, as long as coercive leadership remains in power, the it is better for the citizenry to have some say rather than no say in whom these leaders are.  But this lends itself no justification for allowing those who don’t care to vote to subject the rest of the citizenry to even more tyranny than they already face by the system by allowing these people to let others vote for them.)

36. America isn't as free as it thinks it is.
Strongly Agree

37. Employees should have the right to go on strike without the risk of being permanently replaced.
Strongly Disagree

(I do support the freedom to form unions, though.)

38. I think the American government should subsidize our small farms.
Strongly Disagree

39. The life of one American is worth the lives of several foreigners.
Strongly Disagree

40. A society is only as successful as its least fortunate members.

(Society is a social construct.  Success is subjective.)

41. Practical considerations aside, a person who doesn't use many government services should pay less in taxes.
Strongly Agree

42. I think everyone has a right to the basic material necessities of life.
Strongly Disagree

(They have the right to pursue those things.  They have to be the ones to achieve them.  This doesn’t mean they can’t rely on charity, just that they don’t have a right to coerce others into granting them charity against their will.)

43. Who did you vote for in the 2004 Presidential Election?

If you had to pigeonhole yourself as being 'for' or 'against' the following ideas, how would you do it?

44. Legal abortion?

45. The death penalty?

46. The War on Drugs?

47. Gun control?

48. War with Iraq?

49. School prayer?

(I support voluntary prayer, but not compulsory prayer.)

AND FINALLY, if you could make up ONE new law and have it enforced FOREVER, by goons, what would your law be? Use your imagination, let your despotic instincts run free.

I would legalise public nudity and public sex.

Enter your location

Towson University, Baltimore, MD

And your initials


My Results

You are a

Social Liberal

(90% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative

(75% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right
and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.